Thursday, October 14, 2010

DIY Fall Market Bouquets...

Yesterday, I ventured over to the Union Square Greenmarket with a friend. I haven't been to this market in ages, but fall seemed like the very best time to go with the crisp apples, yummy pies and gorgeous end-of-season flowers, I was in heaven.
I picked up some bright zinnias and gomphrena at the market. Little clusters of messy, free form flowers are always my favorite for placing on my desk or coffee table.

Here are a few tricks I've picked up through the years about quickly assembling cute farmer's market clusters...
Picking a container is key. Look for something interesting, but also big enough to hold the flowers you choose. In this case, I used all glass vases but I tried to vary the shape and size to add more interest.  Ceramic vases, clay pots, a silver tumbler, even a squash can make an interesting container.
While mixing different types of flowers is always fun, if I have flowers (like zinnias) that already vary in color, I usually try to color block them instead. In this case, I pulled all the like colors together: oranges and reds in one group with pinks and purples in another.
Next, I create a bouquet in my hand, grouping the blooms together the way I want them. Then I hold them next to the vase to determine what height I should cut them. (Note: When you're ready to cut the stems, make sure to cut them on a diagonal, this allows the flowers to absorb the most water).

The key to interesting bouquets is varying the heights and textures. Once I plop all the flowers in a vase, I tend to remove individual stems moving and cutting them down until I achieve the look I want.
Finally sit back and enjoy your beautiful blooms!

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