Friday, October 22, 2010


I think the Color Theory class I'm taking has inspired me to tackle some changes to my blog that I've been contemplating for awhile. While this is only an small, interim step (still working on some bigger changes), I'm happy with the way it turned out. Let me know what you think!

For you storage junkies out there, I found an amazing blog yesterday on Pinterest that made my organized heart go all aflutter. (Side note: Pinterest is an social community where people can "pin up" their favorite inspirational images. Be sure to check it out.) Storage and Glee is a treasure trove of creative storage solutions from around the world.

(All images courtesy of Storage and Glee; pinned by Andrea Grafmiller on Pinterest)

Now to grab a much needed second cup of tea... Any fun plans for the weekend?


  1. I like the changes! Very cute. Enjoy your tea! Im enjoying my coffee with a book- listening to the rain ;)


  2. Thanks! Reading a book and listening to the rain sounds delightful. Enjoy your Friday!

  3. The dogs, the boy, and I have been enjoying walking around Capitol Hill and taking in the fall weather... and doing some much needed fall cleaning.

    The changes look really great!
