Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The stacks of books spilling onto my kitchen table are definitely evidence of the fact that I have a hard time walking past any new design or art book. I find myself drawn to the gorgeous photos and pages upon pages of inspiration. Until I own a house with space for my books, I'll dream about these incredible libraries in the meantime. Enjoy!

 The always fascinating Karl Lagerfield proves you can never have too many books...

 Elle Decor
A light becomes a focal point in a lovely gray library... 
Found via Pinterest
I love the exposed beams and dark moodiness of this library...
Decor Pad
Both colorful and interesting all the way up the wall...
Atlas Industries
Custom bookcases for small spaces.
 Apartment Therapy
This library has a great collegiate feel from the huge painting and dark bookcases to the leather sofa...
 Enon Hall
Slightly impractical these leaning bookcases are still fantastic.
 Dutch firm Sloom and Slordig, found via BoingBoing
If space is an issue, why not go up and around the windows...
Found via Pinterest from khintonslash on Flickr
A library at hip level would also be fantastic... 
 Found via pinterest, from the
 Light is key...
Found via Pinterest, from The Beautiful Soup


  1. Love a pile of books clustered on a book case!
    I just can't imagine having that many books!

  2. I love clusters of books too. Karl Lagerfield definitely sets a high bar with his collection of books!
