Monday, January 10, 2011


This weekend was one for the record books. While battling the cold that everyone in NYC seems to have at the moment, I came home on Sat night to find a leak in my bathroom. Within a half an hour, the small leak turned to a huge problem when the bathroom ceiling caved in from a burst pipe. Yikes!!

I've been staying with friends for the last two nights and living at Starbucks during the day (thank god for free wifi), while waiting for my water to be restored and have the plaster removed from the tub.

My bedroom and living room are a mess too.  I had to take down all my pics and move everything into the center of the room to make sure they didn't get wet. This is one case where the before shot looks better than the after!


Living Room AFTER

While this is a huge pain, I'm trying to keep everything in perspective and look at this a an opportunity to get rid of some unused items and rearrange my furniture for a fresh take on things for the New Year. (I may even paint!)

More to come as I get things back in order...

Has something like this ever happened to you in a rental or apartment?


  1. I feel for you! In a rental home just a couple years ago, our washer broke and running water gushed all over the house for several hours. We had water damage in our living room- had to remove all carpet- and in our bathroom- which had to be completely remodeled- as well as the wall in between the two. Goes down in the books as one of the worst experiences ever. We ended up moving out cause the landlord wasn't able to pay for all the damage done, and we had concrete floors in our living room for over a year. Hope your experience is WAY better than mine!

  2. What a mess! Sorry you are dealing with this. When I lived in the West Village, I had a bathroom disaster as well... I guess it was the price I paid for living in my "charming" old building. Hopefully things get fixed soon!

  3. @Meghan, that sounds like a disaster. Hope you've had better experiences since then!

  4. @Prippy Handbook sounds like the bathroom water issues seem to be an issue in the "charming" West Village!
