Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The snow is accumulating outside my window, at the same time about an inch of plaster dust is settling inside. While, it makes wearing anything black an issue, I'm thrilled to have all the holes patched up. Definitely feel like we are making some progress...

Like pulling a string on sweater, the whole thing unraveled yesterday as soon as the guys started to tackle the living room. Water damage on the wall, turned an easy patch and repair job into a huge plaster project. (Yikes!)

The snow caused a bit of a delay, but I hope the guys will be back tomorrow to finish painting. Tonight I have to decide whether I want them to repaint the wall the current Benjamin Moore Silver Fog, or have them do a glossy, crisp white for spring. (see below for my inspiration). What do you think?


  1. I love the glossy white! We are painting a wall and hallway with chalkboard paint (so, black with my white chalk works of art) and I have to say black and white makes for a fun color combo and provides a great showcase for bright pops of color.

  2. Love the idea of using chalkboard paint on the wall and hallway. I agree that it creates a fantastic background for pops of color. Can't wait to see pics!
