Thursday, September 15, 2011


I'd like to take a moment out of our crazy busy lives to reflect on something. Traveling to Brimfields last week, my friend Tara and I stayed at the home of blogger and superwoman, Deanna of Silly Goose Farm. Over freshly baked biscuits and homemade jam (so delish), she told us stories of the destruction in upstate New York from Hurricane Irene.

Daily News, Photographer: Dick Sanford

Driving around the area and in Hudson, NY we could see the amount of flooding and damage. Bridges were flooded, entire fields of corn filled three quarters of the way up with water.
Daily News, Photographer: Dick Sanford

One man at Brimfields told me a sad story of a friend who had lost 20 horses from his farm in the flood. They are still missing...
Times Union 

 That was a field of ready to pick corn, flattened. (Times Union)

Not sure about your neck of the woods,  but in NYC this news was barely covered. As a foodie, my heart goes out to the farmers who lost their late summer, early autumn crops. That's apples, corn, pumpkins and squash, the stuff that reminds me of Fall and comes down to the Farmer's Market in Union Square.

If you'd like to help, Deanna and her blogger friends,  From Scratch Club, have set up two fundraisers to to help a family who lost everything in the flood and two organic farms who are realing from the storm. If anything, read their stories and learn more about the destruction from this terrible day.

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